Julie wanted to do something special with her mom, while she is in town for a visit ,so she contacted me about a mother and daughter session! I love the idea and I love Julie's heart. I knew this was going to be something that both of them will cherish.
Since she is at UF for grad school, they haven't seen much of each other but her mom would come and visit any chance she could. I love hearing about their mother and daughter relationship, how special it was, calling her mom her "best friend". They use to watch The Big Bang Theory together every Thursday while eating French vanilla ice cream. When she is home, she loves to hop on her mother's chaise and cuddle with her, pretending like she is still a little kid. It warms my heart so much and made me miss my own mom, who lives all the way in Seattle! She is coming to visit though so we might just do something like this too!
I love that Julie sees how much her mom loves her, from sacrificing her sleep to travel with her to their out of state soccer games in high school to being the person behind the camera taking pictures. She never missed a game. Even now, she always find a reason to visit and support her through her new stage in life. I just love everything about this!! I heard Debra is a scrapbooker, I hope she will now have plenty of photos to put in their scrapbooks with her in it!
Julie and Debra, thank you so much for spending time with me and sharing your story. I loved that I was able to do this with you! I'm so happy for you both that you have such an amazing relationship with each other. May this be another wonderful memories added to your lifetime of memories together. --Katie